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About Us

Saving Marriages & Families Everyday

When we take your Case at Marriage Curves, our client is YOUR MARRIAGE.  We will also respect your individual thoughts, desires and wishes.  You know your business better than anyone  Unfortunately your the LAST PERSON on earth that can see how to fix it.  Your probably intelligent but your just TOO CLOSE.  In the CASE of your marriage, You need someone with DISTANCE to take your CASE.  

Judge's Table

Our Story


Marriage Curves was founded in 2016 under brand MarriageBuzz360 by Denver and Brandy Griffin.  We've both been in previous Marriages of about 20 years each and both dealt with trauma, severe issues, addiction issues and SO MUCH MORE.  For both of us in our first failing marriages we tried many options to salvage those marriages but were never presented with practical tools or a system that worked.  We were told to try things like Him speaking from Pluto and Her Jupiter, tried counseling with grueling sessions focusing on the "PROBLEMS" which honestly for was a year of Weekly Life drain that only led to depression and despair. No Vision.   Fast forward into a new marriage, 2 years into that and after the New wore off and the stress of a blended family with 6 kids full time under 1 roof, an unforeseen trauma hit and neither of us knew how to navigate it.  We both knew what didn't work.  So, we studied, prayed, argued and came back together and developed a proven strategy that has 90+ % success rate by focusing on the SOLUTIONS while only acknowledging the problem.  Our goal is to MOVE you forward in Life and in Your Marriage, the Same Way and Method that we did!

Meet The Team

Our Clients
"Coming Soon"

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